For more information about the Youth Ministry Program, contact Nancy Hodgkins
Westminster Youth (grades 7-12) enjoy a robust program of education, fellowship and music opportunities. The youth ministry program at Westminster is relational; encouraging faith exploration and formation through meaningful bible study, conversation and lasting relationships with friends and adult leaders.

Knox Choir Trip 2025, June 10-16, 2025
This registration form is for youth and adult leaders planning to participate in the Knox Choir Mid-Atlantic Tour, June 10-16, 2025. We will be traveling by charter bus and staying in hotels. We plan to do 2 concerts in Maryland and lead worship in North Carolina. We will also visit places of local interest along the way.
Westminster asks participants to pay $500 to cover travel expenses plus one meal a day. We anticipate the trip will cost $1,200 per person, and Westminster will cover the difference.
REGISTRATION IS COMPLETE WHEN PAYMENT IS RECEIVED. Checks should be made out to Westminster Presbyterian Church (Knox Choir Trip in the memo) or you may pay online.

Youth Theme
Grade 7 through Grade 12
Growing into Faith is the theme chosen by the PYC, Westminster's youth leadership team, for the 2024-2025 program year. Throughout the year active participants in the youth fellowship program will be exploring the foundational aspects of faith, what it means to be a Christian and what it means to be a Presbyterian. It will be a year of discovery, trust, and relationship building.
Youth Fellowship resume on Sunday, September 8, 2024.
Montreat Slideshow

Westminster has two youth fellowship groups: a Junior High group (grades 7 & 8) and a Senior High group (grades 9 - 12). The two groups have regular meetings on Sunday evenings enjoying a well-balanced program of activities that focus on fellowship, worship, study and small group conversations.
A typical Sunday evening schedule begins with dinner, a gathering time for singing, and introduction to our topic for the night. Youth then move into small groups for activities and conversation. At the end of the evening all the youth return to Fellowship Hall for closing circle, our ritual time of sharing and prayer.
Participation Forms
Please complete, and return to Nancy Hodgkins
Confirmation Class
Sunday mornings, from 9:00 to 9:45 a.m.
Offered annually, this class is open to all senior high youth (grades 9-12) who wish to explore their faith and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ at Westminster Presbyterian Church. The 2025 Class begins on September 8. This class is led by Associate Pastor Nancy Hodgkins.
Middle School Class
Sunday mornings, from 10:45 to 11:30 a.m.
This class is for youth in grades 5-8 and meets in the Theater.