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Earth Stewardship


Our purpose is to offer prayerful attention to the environment in which we live and to help lead individual members and the church community as a whole to grow into more faithful earth stewards.

Lent Earth
Stewardship Classes

Earth Stewardship Ministry Team is again offering a series of three classes during Lent and approaching Earth day in hopes of reconciling our faulty stewardship of God’s creation. This is an opportunity to open our eyes and hearts to the multiple crises in the environment and identify
paths to hope and action. Last year, the series explored residential solar energy, benefits of native plants and social justice aspects of climate change. This year, programs will look at water quality, benefits of being in nature, and use of healthy alternatives to chemicals at home.

March 30, Sarah McKnight, WPC member and professor of Hydrogeology at University of Dayton, will offer an overview of local water supplies and quality and how we can protect this precious resource. There is no life without water! Psalm 104:10, From your lofty abode, you water the mountains, the earth is satisfied with the fruit of your work.

April 6, Betty Hoevel, WPC member and Five River Metro Park employee, will present an overview of the wonderful parks and trails available in the Miami Valley for us to enjoy and learn from God’s creation. Job 12:8, speak to the earth and it will teach you. We all benefit from a sense of “place” and we protect what we know and love.

April 13, two community contributors for this class will offer suggestions for home products that are less harmful to the earth, such alternative cleaning products, reusable items, natural yard care. Numbers 35:33, Do not defile the land where you live and where I dwell.

Please join Earth Stewardship Ministry Team as we educate ourselves in ways to appreciate and protect God’s good creation.

Current Projects

  • Every day we work to reduce the church’s carbon footprint.

  • Every week we collect old batteries to be recycled. We average about 10 pounds of batteries each month! (Please place in the bins near the Church Office).

  • Every month on the first Sunday, we sponsor a Fair Trade Product Sale to promote fairness and economic justice for small farmers. Coffee, tea, nuts, and chocolate are available for sale during Coffee Hour in Fellowship Hall.

  • Also on the first Sunday, church members are encouraged to bring small electronic items to be recycled by ESMT. Dozens of old cell phones have been passed on to the YWCA for use in their programs aiding abused women. We have taken numerous computers, printers, cords, etc. to Montgomery County Solid Waste for proper recycling.

  • During the growing season, ESMT aids in maintaining the church grounds, and encourages use of native plants and natural fertilizers to reflect the beauty of God's earth.

  • Through reading, films, and discussion, monthly meetings this year will focus on expanding our knowledge of issues concerning the stewardship of God's earth.

Past Initiatives

  • Worked with WPC Staff and Building and Grounds Committee to increase recycling of paper, aluminum, plastic, and tin at the church.

  • Offered adult education series and speakers on environmental issues. In June 2015, Rebecca Barnes, Associate for Environmental Ministries PC(USA), spoke on why creation care is our calling. Her book, 50 Ways to Help Save the Earth, is available in the Resource Center.

  • Given away free tree seedlings on Earth Day Sunday.

  • Sponsored Earth Care resources in Westminster's Resource Center.

  • Partnerships with other faith communities on issues of creation care have led to ongoing relationships and sharing of ideas and projects.

  • During Advent and Lent, ESMT offers prayer and action suggestions in support of creation care.

Get Involved

  • Pray for peace and care for our planet every day.

  • Volunteer to join the Earth Stewardship Ministry Team! The opportunities, challenges, and rewards are exciting and endless. Please contact Lola Signom  or Betty Hoevel for more information.


©2025 by Westminster Presbyterian Church

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