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Care Ministries at Westminster

Care Ministries: What's Happening

Deacon Ministries

At Westminster, deacons are the “doers” of multiple direct-care ministries for members and others from birth to the end of life. Along with Care Teams, (see below) deacons listen when others share hurts and struggles of everyday life, and provide caring support in times of
sickness, loss, and grief. Deacons encourage the health and well-being of members and draw alongside them in times of life transition.

For more information about our Deacon Ministries, click here.

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Care Teams

Spiritual care is provided to members and others through the one-on-one ministries of three teams:
Church Partners, Hospital Visitation, and Loss Support.

Church Partners maintain monthly contact with older members who can no longer come to church as often as they would like with visits and cards.

Hospital Visitation Team members visit members hospitalized each week, and provide follow-up support once at home. The Loss Support Team provides grief care to members who have lost a spouse, child, or parent.

A Care Resource Team plans and coordinates training symposiums on various topics to enhance care-giving skills and overall awareness for Care Team members and other interested members of the congregation.


Tech Angels

Tech Angels can help if you need help with things such as watching the virtual services on YouTube, accessing the Westminster website, accessing the online ShelbyNext directory, participating in Zoom Sunday School classes or small group discussions, and more! Tech Angels are not computer experts trained to fix equipment that is not working properly but can help you evaluate your situation and assist you to connect to Westminster from any device.

If you need assistance from Tech Angels, click here or call Julie Schrodi at 937-232-7219. See you in cyberspace!

Do you have an unused tablet computer lying around? Please consider helping our congregation stay connected to Westminster by donating your tablet to the TechAngels! Donated tablets will be cleared and reformatted so we can provide fellowship and connection for members who need them. To schedule a pick-up of your tablet donation, please contact Deacons Drew Statt ( or Julie Shrodi (937-232-7219). 

Praying Together

Prayer Requests

Is there someone you would like us to pray for? Requests for prayer received are shared with the Westminster Email Prayer Ministry Team and remain confidential. 

Please secure permission before sharing an individual’s name, or use generic words such as friend, parent, child, or spouse.

Click here to submit a prayer

From more information about Westminster Caring Ministries, contact us.


©2025 by Westminster Presbyterian Church

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