Baptism, Communion, Weddings and Funerals
For both children and adults, Baptism is the sign and seal that God loves us long before we can love God. Baptism is proclamation and experience of the fact that we are who we are because God has first chosen us and loved us and called us into God’s kingdom.
How do I get started planning a baptism at Westminster?
In order for baptism to have integrity, only parents committed to nurturing their children within the household of faith should have their children baptized. Likewise, the Baptism of an adult signifies a commitment to the faith and a resolve to live by faith in Christ.
To schedule a baptism, phone the church office
The Lord’s Supper is the sign and seal of eating and drinking in communion with the crucified and risen Lord. The Lord’s Supper, or “The Eucharist,” was given by Christ himself. In this sacrament, the bread and wine, the words and actions make the promises of God visible and concrete.
Who may participate in the Sacrament of The Lord’s Supper?
The invitation to the Lord’s Supper is extended to all who have been baptized, remembering that access to the Table is not a right conferred upon the worthy, but a privilege given to the undeserving who come in faith, repentance, and love. Even one who doubts or whose trust is wavering may come to the Table in order to be assured of God’s love and grace in Christ Jesus.
The purpose of a church wedding is to acknowledge marriage as a gracious gift from God and to celebrate with joy and gratitude the acceptance of this gift. Christian weddings affirm life together as a couple as well as responsible participation in the wider structures of family and human society. Thus it is appropriate that family and friends are invited to share in the bride's and groom's commitment, celebration and happiness.
Who can be married at Westminster?
In order to schedule a wedding at Westminster, one of the participants must be a "member."
For wedding purposes "members" are defined as:
Those currently on the church's active or affiliate membership rolls
Children, grandchildren, or parents of active members
Staff of the church and their children.
The one exception for non-member weddings is when either the bride or the groom is an active member of another Dayton area Presbyterian church that is too small for the anticipated wedding guests. In this situation, the member's pastor should contact Westminster with the details of the request.
For more information about having a wedding at Westminster, contact the church office.
In the Presbyterian Church, we refer to a Funeral or Memorial Service as a Service of Witness to the Resurrection. Except for compelling reasons, the Service of Witness to the Resurrection for a Westminster member should be held in the Sanctuary. In ambiance, architecture and association, the church joins the major events of the life of faith: baptism, public confession of faith, the Lord’s Supper, perhaps marriage, and certainly the promise of resurrection. Thus it is appropriate for services to be held in the church and at its direction.
It is the intention that the service be personal, keeping in mind that the purpose of the service is to praise and thank God for the knowledge that in life, as in death, we are in God’s hands. Members of the family are invited to participate in the service if that is their desire. A limited number of persons may be invited to offer remembrances during the service, having been prearranged with the officiating pastor.